Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Group Walk

Yesterday was a super fun day. When Hope was here we went to a little park called Deer Park. It isn't handicap accessible and my Mom wanted to be able to take everyone from the hospital over there to see the deer and just be somewhere different. She went out in between my morning physio and my afternoon physio with a patients wife, Marg. Marg and my Mom went to scope out and find a trail that we were all able to go on. They succeeded in finding one and around 3:30 we all left to go see Deer Park, Haus Khaus Village, and the ruins we found on our third day here. Ashley, his friend Darrio, Gabe, Matthew, Matthew's wife Kristen, Marg, Bret, my Mom, and I all went on this walk. I had been to Deer park two or three times before and it was fairly easy for me because I could transfer out of my chair onto a pole and then have my Mom put the chair through when necessary. With everyone else that would be much harder though so my Mom had found a path that worked. I had not gone on this path yet and it was fun to see it. The park is a lot bigger and green than I had originally thought it was, and none of us could believe how close it was! After Deer Park we walked over to Haus Khaus Village, which is right outside Deer Park. None of them had been to Haus Khaus yet, and they couldn't figure out how we possibly found it. We went down a back alley that had some pretty cool shops and it remind us of being in some European little town with cobblestones and the buildings. At the end of Haus Khaus are the ruins that my Mom, Hope and I had been to before. We wanted to show them how beautiful they are and how anyone and everyone is allowed to just hang out on them. They were all amazed at what was hidden back there and that it was so close to the hospital. A couple even said they would want to bring a book and sit there all day and read. It was definitely a lot of fun to get us all out of the hospital and go do something so simple together. We all want to go again soon! :)

This is a picture of me, Ashley, and his friend Darrio (pushing Ashley) at the ruins. It looks blurry, but it's the dust/quality of the air here.


As a majority of you all know, India's sport of choice is Cricket. All the staff here just LOVES Cricket. We will be sitting in the Common Room playing games at night and one of the workers will come over with a cable box plug it in sit in the hall and watch Cricket. It's so funny to see how into it they get and how they watch ANY game, not just India. Matthew, Gabe's dad, went to the toy store one day and came back with a Cricket bat. I don't know all the terms for everything, but it was along those lines. On that day we decided we are all going to play Cricket one of these days. Gabe wasn't feeling well for about a week so once he started feeling better we got everyone outside and were playing Cricket. Gabe, who is a quadriplegic, was pitching and everyone else was in the outfield. We got our security guard playing, about five other patients, a couple caregivers, at one point one of our doctors came out for a little, and anyone who was walking down the street that wanted to play. The scoring was if you hit it over the fence it's a six anywhere else is a four. The wicket is made up of two bottles (coke bottles, squirt bottles, water bottles, whatever we could find). It's a lot of fun because anyone who wants to play can come out and play, and if you don't want to play you can just hang out and watch.

The Past Couple Days

I am so so so sorry we haven't updated in a while. It's been really busy here lately and I haven't really had the chance to sit down and post. If I did get the chance I'm Skyping back home or responding to emails so it's been a little difficult lately. Thanks for sticking by us though and still checking for a new post.
For the past couple days we have mainly just hung out around here, trying to find ways to keep us all entertained. We are all starting to come up with more and more ways to keep us entertained. Lately it's been cricket during the day, games at night, and occasionally walks around Green Park. I'll post separately about all of those. Two people left this week, but for the next couple weeks no one is leaving so no goodbyes for a while. Goodbyes are so hard because you don't know when you will see these people again and you all become so attached to each other.
I reached my six week mark today which is really exciting for Lyme patients. Usually around six weeks everything starts to come together and that's when you start seeing the most improvements. My mom and I are both getting super excited because we are just waiting for the day I wake up and say "Wow, I can feel." It will definitely be crazy if that will happen. The doctors are really looking forward to seeing what improvement I will make next, whether it be smaller calipers, feeling, my vision, anything.
Sorry this has taken so long to update, it should start being updated again daily, even if they are super boring posts, just to make sure you guys are all in the loop.