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Last week my physio gave me permission to start using my calipers outside of physio. My only rule was that they had to be locked and I had to have someone next to me to catch me if I were to fall. My Mom and I wanted to celebrate the fact that I was now allowed to start walking "on my own." We asked Gabe and Matthew if they wanted to come celebrate with us and get ice cream over at Green Park. Green Park is about a five minute walk from the hospital. I put my calipers on while we were in our room and got in my wheelchair and my Mom wheeled me there. She didn't want me walking in the street because drivers are pretty reckless here. When we got to the front of the ice cream store she let me get out of my chair and walk up the couple steps and into the store. It was so exciting because I could finally actually see the ice cream flavors rather than just the signs. I picked out the ice cream I wanted, a chocolate moo, and we went over a sat down. We were with Gabe and Matthew and we were all kind of in shock at how I was actually walking around. My Mom gave me permission to walk home from the store. I have never pushed a wheelchair before, and it was probably the weirdest feeling ever pushing my own chair home. I'm a pretty slow walker as you would imagine, so our five minute walk was about fifteen minutes. It was well worth it though! The best part of all of it was when we got back I ended up pushing Gabe with my wheelchair, like a train, pretty fast. We definitely weren't in very good control and hit the walls and plants a couple times. As I was pushing him we went passed Dr. Sudeep's office and he was very confused at first because he had only seen Gabe going by faster than usual and the front of my wheelchair with no one in it. He then saw that I was pushing my wheelchair and started laughing. Dr. Sudeep was so excited and happy to see me walking and pushing Gabe. It gave me enough confidence to know that when I get home I will be able to do more on my own.Yes I did manage to spill ice cream all over my shirt, as always.
Today has been a super busy day! This is the first time I have actually gotten to sit down and turn on the computer all day. We woke up about 9:20 this morning and got ready for physio at 10. Physio was usual time, about 10 to 10:50. Dr. Shroff and Dr. Ashish made there rounds and my Mom asked them a couple questions. They then realized that I had gone from being an A student to dropping out of school and they couldn't believe it. The whole entire trip they have been focused on my sensory and walking kind of forgetting about how impacted my brain is. Today it clicked. Their goal has always been to get me to walk and feel, and my cognitive problems were put in the back seat. Once they realized how bad it truly was they wanted to really help with it. I am now going to start going to "cognitive rehab" as Gabe calls it. Everyday now a doctor is going to come up to our room for 40 minutes and help me with memory, writing, etc. After meeting with the cognitive doctor I came back up to my room and got ready to go do a procedure. I did the Deep Spinal Muscle procedure in the back of my neck. Originally they were going to do it in my lumbar area to make my legs stronger, but once they found out about my brain issues he changed it to my neck. I asked him when I was going into the room why the neck, and he said because it's closer to your brain, simple as that. Dr. Ashish was really excited when he found out how smart I am, and asked me if I would write up what feeling nothing feels like (if that makes sense). He wants me to write down what it feels like to touch a pillow or hold a drink, etc. Once he was done giving the procedure I was brought back down to my room and was told to lie down in bed for an hour. During that hour there was a Mother and Daughter from Australia and the Daughter has Lyme's Disease they think. She wanted to find out more about Nu Tech and if it is worth it. We told her it's worth every penny. About five minutes before my afternoon physio I was allowed to get up from my procedure. I was then off to physio to work my butt off yet again. Now I am done with physio took a little break to write this post. Gabe just came over and told me a couple people are going down to play cricket so I'm off to go play. I'll write more later!